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 in memory of
"Those we love don't go away
they walk beside us everyday unseen,
unheard but always near
so loved, so missed
but always dear"
5 October 1963
6 August 2020

Demetrius Williams

His Life Story
Dr Demetrius Williams was born on 5 October 1963 in Kroonstad. He started his school career at Brentpark Primary school in Kroonstad and matriculated in 1981 from Dr Blok High School in Bloemfontein.
Immediately after matriculating he started his career at Tongaat Foods in Kroonstad while studying to become a Draftsman. In 1995 he moved to Harrismith to work for Bergman Ingerop as a draftsman, while studying to become an Architect. In 1996 he accepted a position at Maluti-A-Phofung.  During this time he changed his major from Architecture to Civil Engineering where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 1998 from Arlington University.
In 2002 he accepted a position as a Director of Public works as Dihlabeng Local Municipality and worked there until 2006.
In 2006 he was a consultant for Ilifa.
On 1 June 2008 he founded Demetrius Williams and Associates where he occupied the position of Director.
As a seeker of knowledge he also achieved the following:
  • In the year 2000 he received his Masters of Science in Civil Engineering from Rochville University.
  • In 2009 his Doctorate in project Management from Rochville University.
  • In 2012 he proudly received his Masters of Science in Structural Engineering from Olwa University 2012.
On the 5th of May 1984 he entered into marriage with Hillary van Heerden. During their time together they had 3 children - Gershen, Monique and Raby. Demetrius and Hillary divorced in 2001.
On the 5th of October 2002, he entered into marriage with Cornelia Lottering. Another son Vincent was added to his family.
He leaves behind his wife, 4 children, 3 daughter in-laws, 4 grandchildren, a Mother, Father, 2 brothers and other family members.
He also leaves behind his WP team Schalk Naudé, Peter van der Westhuizen, Dean Hurling, Mothobi Mokoena and Yolande van Jaarsveld.
Very sadly he leaves behind his beloved pets namely CoCo, LuLu, Arya, Chivas, Khaleesi, and Caesar.
On 6 August 2020 we lost a Husband, Father, Grandfather, a true friend and a TRUE LEGEND. You will be truly missed!! ♥
The Ceremony
12 August at 11:00
Live Streaming

Demetrius ceremony, will be live streamed for those of you that can not attend.

please log on at 11:00 on Wednesday

Letter from the family

To a Ledgend

Ek weetie hoe kon Pappa sy kar soma netso vir ons leen, sonder lisensie en of jy kan bestuur of nie. Hy leen sy kar vir Demetrius ... wat natuurlik net vir die girls wil afshow.
Die kar is lelik gestamp, hy verduidelik: "Pappa ek het nog mooi om die hoek ..." Briesend sê Pappa "Mooi ... wat is mooi? Kyk hoe lyk my kar? Mooi? Nxa!" 😅😅
Ek is so dik van die lag, maar waag dit nie, want Pappa is livid, en Mr Perfect in die moeilikheid 😂😂 Djo! Daai man (Mietie) se goed moes mos altyd net mooi loop 😂
Mamma is bekommerd Demetrius se maag is nou al vir 'n week nie lekke, en hy was mos die witbroodjie. Ons hardloop en dans soos feetjies rondom hom omdat hy siek is. Uiteindelik kom hy met die sak patats uit: hy het 'n meisie swanger gemaak 🙈 dit het hom swak gemaak, sy maag-senuwees die rede!
Imagine wat die Ou Lady toe kwytraak 😂😂 Oe, dit was die eerste keer dat ek bly was my naam is Freida en nie Mietie nie 🙈

Demetrius left an impression on the hearts of everyone he met.

He will be missed and treasured in our hearts forever.

1 Thessalonians 4:13

"We grief with hope"

Cornelia Williams, Gershen Williams, Monique Williams, Raby Williams,  Vincent Marshall, Melany Williams, Lauren Williams, Michelle Marshall and all the grand children -

Tatum Williams, Meldeane Williams, Jordan Williams and Mia Williams


© 2020 Williams Memorial. Proudly created by Pixillusions for a loving friend.

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